Finding Borges

“A man sets out to draw the world. As the years go by, he peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, instruments, stars, horses, and individuals. A short time before he dies, he discovers that the patient labyrinth of lines traces the lineaments of his own face.” – Jorge Luis Borges

Centro Cultural Borges

Several of Argentina’s icons and leaders have permanent places here in Buenos Aires. The country’s liberator, Jose de San Martin, lies in a tomb at the national cathedral, guarded every day by soldiers in historical uniform. The Evita museum pays respect to the life of Argentina’s most famous female figure. Xul Solar, an abstract painter, has 100 of his paintings on display at his former townhouse, now a museum.

The list goes until Jorge Luis Borges, the literary giant who mused about labyrinths, eternity and felines. His short stories and poetry will undoubtedly be read, analyzed and admired for decades. When I flipped through tourist books, nothing notable is mentioned about a Borges museum, or a place dedicated to his legacy. Channeling my inner literary nerd, I sought out to find an homage to Borges.

Borges’ San Telmo Office

A helpful New York Times article on Borges gave me a general outline of places to visit (some places mentioned – like the Confiteria Richmond – unfortunately no longer exist). I first ventured to San Telmo to the former National Library, now the National Center of Music, where Borges served as director in 1955. Located at Mexico 564, the old National Library seems out of place. The building appears too grand and too big for such a quiet street. When I walked in, the magnificent architecture immediately struck me. A place worthy of Borges!

National LIbrary

My hopes to see Borges’ old office and the library were dashed when the front desk informed me the museum was under renovation. Borges is still very much a part of the building today. Here, French artist Christian Boltanski once paid tribute to Borges at the library with his “Flying Books,” exhibit, where he suspended hundreds of opened books from the ceiling.

National Library Inside

I walked back to Avenida de Mayo and took the A Line, the oldest subway line in the Southern Hemisphere, which connects to the C line going to Retiro. I got off at Plaza San Martin, which is a short block from one of Borges’ old apartments where he lived intermittently for 40 years. Located at Maipu 994, and closed off to the public, I was only able to take pictures of the outside. The doorman informed me that Borges lived on the sixth floor. I asked if he knew of any places where I could find a good collection of Borges work, and he suggested the Centro Cultural Borges in the Galerias Pacifico mall. I was certain he was fooling me. A Borges center in a shopping mall? With too much time on my hands, I went with low expectations.

Centro Cultural Borges—A Pleasant Surprise

Upon arriving at Galerias Pacifico, bustling shoppers surrounded me on their way to the next high-end clothing store. Ugh. I asked an information desk about this “Centro Borges,” and the receptionist told me to go to the top floor. I continued on, certain I was wasting my Borges afternoon in a packed mall.


Opened in 2003, the Centro Cultural Borges is an incredibly pleasant surprise. It is the closest place Buenos Aires has to a museum for him. On the top floor of the Galerias Pacifico, which is in a beautiful, French-style building, is the Centro. It’s so quiet I quickly forgot I was in a mall. There’s a room dedicated to the life and work of Borges, and several other rooms that host paintings of famous artists and photographers. On display was a collection of brilliantly colored paintings of famous women by Diego Torres (above, Evita). An impressive exhibit of photographs by Tina Modotti occupied another gallery room.

The room dedicated to Borges has a few original pages of the transcript from “The Aleph,” arguably his most famous work. Several of his famous quotes adorn the white plaster walls too. The front page of La Nacion, a respected newspaper, from the day Borges died is framed. He covered nearly the entire page. One wall lists many important Borges places in Buenos Aires – old apartments, offices, cafes he frequented – along with interesting facts. For instance, at his apartment Anchorena 1672, where Borges lived from 1938-43, he wrote the short story “Las Ruinas Circulares.” Although born in an apartment at Tucuman 838, Borges spent his childhood at his grandparents house in Palermo at Serrano 2135, a street that is now named in his honor.

Sitting at Borges’ desk

Jorge Luis Borges

For my last stop, I went back to Calle Maipu to check out La Ciudad bookstore, a place Borges was a regular at, according to the New York Times article [Note: since this article was written the bookshop has closed]. Tucked into a small shopping gallery (the Galeria del Este at Maipu 971), La Ciuda maintains its antique atmosphere very well. A desk covered with old editions of Borges’ work welcomes visitors.

When I walked in, a bookstore clerk suggested I sit at the desk. Worried he thought I was buying a very expensive Borges book, I made it clear I only came to look. The clerk waved off my concern, pulled the chair out and asked me to sit. The old wooden chair wobbled and creaked as I lowered into it. I thought it might break. The clerk pointed to the picture frame on the desk. I looked closely and sure enough, it was an old, frail Borges sitting in the exact same chair. I smiled from ear to ear, completely ecstatic. However small, I felt some connection with him, sitting in his old chair.

Borges Apartment

I began my trek to find an homage to Borges with a simple narrative: there’s got to be one place out there where I can spend the afternoon admiring his work. The architect of literary labyrinths and infinite time probably shook his head at me from his heavenly library. Borges was known for aimlessly strolling around Buenos Aires. With a little imagination, it’s not difficult to picture him walking out of the National Library, La Ciudad or his apartment on Maipu.

In “The Aleph,” he describes an anonymous house on a random corner in the neighborhood of Constitucion where the Aleph resides as, “the only place on earth where all places are.” Such symbolism seems to have carried over from his fiction to his legacy. Infinity, and Borges, can exist anywhere.

Borges’ cosmic literary concepts cannot be held in a museum. Yes, the Centro Cultural Borges does a good job of commemorating his life, but it’s also a platform for other artists. To find Borges, I needed to weave my way through my own labyrinth, not only visiting scheduled places, but asking around, getting lost and discovering the city he loved.

Other places to visit on the Borges trail

  • Cafe Tortoni: oldest cafe in the city. It has a wax statue of Borges sitting in a chair. Located on Avenida de Mayo near the corner of Suipacha.
  • El Preferido: opened in the 1950s, Borges mentions it in one of his poems. Located on the corner of Jorge Luis Borges and Guatemala, it’s become a famous restaurant because of its ties to Borges. The place remains much like it did during Borges time (minus the English menu). It’s the pink building, which dates back to the 19th century.
  • Jorge Luis Borges International Foundation. Hosts various Borges-themed events. Located at Anchorena 1660 in Recoleta.

Reader interactions

11 Replies to “Finding Borges”

  1. Thanks so much for this. I was in Buenos Aires last month and used your information to track down places of Borges interest and found a few other places which will all be on my own blog at my website shortly. Your information was invaluable. Helen


    1. You’re welcome Helen, glad you found the info useful for your trip. Let us know when you update your website with more places relating to Borges in Buenos Aires! Alan


  2. Is the flying books exhibit still on at the former National
    Thank you for the info- very helpful! Viva borges!


    1. Thanks for your comment Dana. Unfortunately that exhibit was just for a few months, a while back.
      Enjoy Buenos Aires and Viva Borges!


  3. Last week, I visited La Ciudad.
    Unfortunately, I couldn’t enter the shop because it was closed.
    There was a bill on the door, which says “Dueno Alquila”.
    I think it means “For Rent”.
    Was the shop closed eternally or moved to elsewhere?
    It would be helpful if you could add some information about that.
    Anyway, this article was very helpful for my trip in BA, thank you.


    1. Hello Kaname,
      Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I just went past the Libreria de la Ciudad yesterday, and it is indeed closed and completely empty. I can’t find any other information about it, but I can only assume that it has unfortunately now closed and probably won’t be moving elsewhere – or there would probably be details about that online, which we have not found.
      We will update the article to reflect this soon. What a shame!
      Thanks again,


  4. Super important update! I was stumbling through the Xul Solar museum and noticed that some paintings were on loan to a Borges exhibit in the Centro Cultural Kirchner. I promptly dashed off, because I’d never heard of such a thing.
    Lo and behold:
    The exhibit, “Borges. Fictions of an Infinite Time”, is by far the best tribute to Borges I’ve found in Buenos Aires. It has multiple exhibits of portraits, personal effects, and artwork inspired by the great author. This is a MUST SEE if you’re in the city. I’m unsure how much longer it will be there.
    Also, the National Library of Mariano Moreno has an exhibit called “Georgie Dear”, also featuring original Borges transcripts as well as an interesting look at the authors Borges was influenced by and influenced:
    I think the guide could use some updating! I wasn’t able to see the former library in San Telmo (I think its closed now, but not entirely sure).


    1. Thanks for the update Vincent! Much appreciated. We don’t have much time to update blog posts at present as we’re busy giving tours and helping our clients emails etc, but your comment will be here to help people so we thank you for that. At some point we hope to be able to update the blog post however. Cheers! Alan


  5. […] his death, I was interested in tracking down Jean Luis Borges and was spurred on by the blogs, Finding Borges by Pat Gillespie and Follow in the footsteps of Borges from Turismo Buenos Aires. – two well […]


  6. Thank you so much. I am gonna visit these in the next days. Borges is the main reason why I came here on BA. I wish you all a paradoxal day!


  7. […] Finding Borges– A private walking tour of Buenos Aires focusing on Borges-related places. […]


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